Monthly Archives: July 2011


uh. it’s been a year. and quite a year. the ethiopia program is having some problems, she said understatedly. several orphanage closures, arrests, a (very long) delay inserted between getting one’s referral and travel.



so, there i was. in may. and then there’s this site, you see,, and you tell it about you, and you tell it about the sort of kid you are hoping to get to parent, and then every once in a while it emails you saying hey, this agency just let us know about a waiting child who might be good for you and you might be good for them, and so there i was, and i got an email about a year old kiddo who liked dancing to music. huh, i thought.

so i went to go look, and he was listed with my agency, but with china.

i figured that there was no chance that this would work out, because china likes a lot of things in adoptive parents that i am not– for example, married, perfectly healthy, and slim. but hey. couldn’t hurt to email and ask.

so i did.

and they didn’t say no.

and then we sent some stuff off to china.

and they didn’t say no either.

and then, they said yes.


i have pictures. i am trying to figure out where to keep them so that people can see them or if it’s okay to have them public or what.

he has very tufty hair, and an extremely dubious look.

he was born in april 2010.

i am hoping to travel to china in spring 2012, to bring him home. my sister will travel with me.

he is the cutest baby ever.